This is the original photo of world's first lakshmi kubera golden power temple in chennai found by the kubera shakthi peedam of our institute. The significance of the temple is kubera in north is created as per dhayana sloka facing sodashi lakshmi in south with karya siddhi yantra prathista in between. People suffering with money/financial karmic problems get relieved by conducting dhanakarshan pooja for seven weeks on Fridays.
This nija roobha photograph of sree lakshmi kubera is available with us at affordable price.Laminated with golden frame and hi power reflectors/orgo nano yantras. Keep this photo in the north side of pooja/business room facing south for wealth staying in your home/workplace. Kubera photo is energized with specific yantra/mantra.
Chant this manthra "Ohm sree sanganidhi padmanidhi sametha kuberaya namah" 18 times daily.